Curatorship of MOOC courses for the construction of training paths aimed at Administrative Technicians in Education at PlaforEDU


  • Liane Viegas Domingues Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-Rio-Grandense (IFSul), Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil,
  • Igor Bederode Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-Rio-Grandense (IFSul), Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil,



Formative trails. Administrative Technicians in Education. MOOC. PlaforEDU.


This article aims to analyze the process of curating courses on the Digital Platform for Training Servers (PlaforEDU), within the scope of the Continuing Education Plan for Servers of the Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education (Plafor), focusing on the organization specific training itineraries for the training of basic digital skills for administrative technicians in education (TAE) of the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (RFEPCT).  The study is configured as research with a qualitative approach, supported in terms of technical procedures in a case study, referring to the authors' participation in the research project that gave rise to PlaforEDu and made it possible for the platform to be launched in April 2022. As a result of the research, it is possible to infer that the curation process carried out was of paramount importance in order to obtain courses that adhere to the training paths and the profile of the TAE, with the evaluation instruments used being essential to identify data and specific criteria of the Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC) that make up the PlaforEDu, which cover the competences associated with the six areas of the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu).


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How to Cite

Domingues, L. V., & Bederode, I. R. (2022). Curatorship of MOOC courses for the construction of training paths aimed at Administrative Technicians in Education at PlaforEDU. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 9(2).