Teacher self-training for mediation through digital interfaces: network co-creation experiences in the context of physical distancing imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic





Teacher Formation, Digital Interfaces, Online Teaching, Higher Education, COVID-19


This article aims to describe the formation experience, developed with 21 higher education professors, with a view to improving the use of networked digital technologies in the teaching-learning mediation process, based on the COVID-19 pandemic context. The methodological practice used in the formation process was centered on the articulation between the participants' knowledge, enhancing the collaborative construction and dissemination of knowledge. The text starts from a theoretical discussion about networked digital technologies, cyberculture, teacher formation and practice. It continues with the presentation of the pedagogical design of the formation action developed, with reflections on the practitioners and their processes of collaborative self/eco training. The conclusion of the proposal's success is concluded from the verification of the methodological evolution of the teaching practice, migrating from proposals centered on the teacher to an open, collaborative and networked design, appropriating digital artifacts as mediating resources.


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Author Biographies

Kathia Marise Sales, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, kmarise2@gmail.com

Graduated (1989) in Pedagogy from the Catholic University of Salvador, Master (2002) in the area of Media and Knowledge from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and PhD (2013) in Knowledge Dissemination from the Multi-Institutional and Multidisciplinary Program in Knowledge Dissemination - DMMDC , (UFBA/UNEB/IFBA/UEFS/SENAI/LNCC) . Full Professor at the State University of Bahia - UNEB, with effective employment since February/1996, having already performed various teaching, research and extension activities, as well as university management at this University, including Institutional Coordinator of the Open University of Brazil - UAB and Dean of Undergraduate Education (02/2015 to 02/2018). Permanent professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Management and Technologies applied to Education - GESTEC/UNEB, since Feb/2014. In December 2018, she was accredited as a Collaborating Professor of the Multi-Institutional and Multidisciplinary Program in Knowledge Dissemination - DMMDC (UFBA/UNEB/IFBA/UEFS/SENAI/LNCC), linked to the Line "Construction of Knowledge: Cognition, Languages and Information" . She has experience in the Education area as a teacher, coordinator, consultant, evaluator and manager in several institutions, having worked in municipal and state public education, and performed various technical-pedagogical functions in Basic Education, before joining the State University of Bahia / UNEB. As a researcher, her topics of interest are: TDICs and Education: mediation and pedagogical practices; Online education; Construction and Dissemination of Knowledge, with a focus on Cognition.

Jader Cristiano Magalhães de Albuquerque, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Bahia, Brasil, jalbuquerque@uneb.br

Doctor in Dissemination of Knowledge from UFBA, Master in Administration from UFBA, Specialist in Education and Technologies and Graduated in Data Processing and Administration. He is an Adjunct Professor at the State University of Bahia working in the Dept. of Human Sciences/Salvador and Dept of Exact and Earth Sciences/Salvador. He acts as Permanent Professor of the National and Professional Master's Degree in Physics Teaching (MNPEF / UNEB) and of the Graduate Program in Education and Contemporaneity (PPGEduC / UNEB). He is Prof. Researcher at the Research Group on Diffusion of Knowledge, Education, Technologies and Social Modeling (DCTEM). He worked in the Implementation and was General Coordinator of the Academic Unit of Distance Education at UNEB. He was a member of the Distance Education Chamber of the Association of State and County University Presidents. (OPEN). He acted as a consultant in the implementation of undergraduate courses in the areas of Management and Information Systems in the EaD modality at Faculdade Regional de Candeias and Faculdade Osvaldo Alves de Miranda. Areas of research interest: Education Mediated by Technologies; Governance Models for EaD management. Active Methodologies; Computational modeling; Systems Dynamics; Production Management and Logistics Operations, Marketing and e-Commerce, Local Production Systems and Innovation.

Edmea dos Santos, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, edmeabaiana@gmail.com

Full Professor at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). She works at the Institute of Education and at the Graduate Program in Education (PPGEDUC), in the line of research "Line 1: Contemporary Studies and Educational Practices". From 2007 to 2018, she was an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Education at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), an undergraduate and graduate professor at the (PROPED/UERJ) research line "Daily life, educational networks and cultural processes" Professor of Informatics in Education in the Distance Pedagogy course UERJ/CEDERJ Editor-in-Chief of the Revista Docência e Cibercultura Pedagogue from UCSAL, Master and Doctor in Education from UFBA. Post-doctorate in e-learning and EAD by UAB-PT, where she collaborates sporadically in the MPEL - Master in e-Learning Pedagogy. Leader of GPDOC - Teaching and Cyberculture Research Group. Member of the Image Laboratory at UERJ. Coordinator of GT 16 - "Education and Communication" of ANPED - Brazilian Association of Research in Education, vice-president of ABCIBER - Association of Researchers in Cyberculture. Acts in the initial and continued of teachers and training. Areas of expertise: "Education and Cyberculture, Research and Pedagogical Practices, Teacher Training, Curriculum: theories, practices and policies, Informatics in Education, Online Education, Distance Learning. - Association of Researchers in Cyberculture. Acts in the initial and continued training of teachers and training. Areas of expertise: "Education and Cyberculture, Research and Pedagogical Practices, Teacher Training, Curricula: theories, practices and policies, Informatics in Education, Online Education, EAD. from ANPED - Brazilian Association of Research in Education, vice-president of ABCIBER - Association of Researchers in Cyberculture. Acts in the initial and continued of teachers and training. Areas of expertise: "Education and Cyberculture, Research and Pedagogical Practices, Teacher Training, Curricula: theories, practices and policies, Informatics in Education, Online Education, Distance Learning.


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How to Cite

Sales, K. M., Albuquerque, J. C. M. de, & Santos, E. dos. (2022). Teacher self-training for mediation through digital interfaces: network co-creation experiences in the context of physical distancing imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic: . EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 9(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.53628/emrede.v9i1.870