Teacher self-training for mediation through digital interfaces: network co-creation experiences in the context of physical distancing imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic
Teacher Formation, Digital Interfaces, Online Teaching, Higher Education, COVID-19Abstract
This article aims to describe the formation experience, developed with 21 higher education professors, with a view to improving the use of networked digital technologies in the teaching-learning mediation process, based on the COVID-19 pandemic context. The methodological practice used in the formation process was centered on the articulation between the participants' knowledge, enhancing the collaborative construction and dissemination of knowledge. The text starts from a theoretical discussion about networked digital technologies, cyberculture, teacher formation and practice. It continues with the presentation of the pedagogical design of the formation action developed, with reflections on the practitioners and their processes of collaborative self/eco training. The conclusion of the proposal's success is concluded from the verification of the methodological evolution of the teaching practice, migrating from proposals centered on the teacher to an open, collaborative and networked design, appropriating digital artifacts as mediating resources.
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