Internationalization of research, graduate studies and digital networks: an account of the experience of the reference center in development and humanities at the Universidade do Estado da Bahia




Internacionalization, search, network


One of the main guidelines of the National Science, Technology and Innovation System (SNCTI) is the internationalization of research and national graduate studies, a public policy essential to the country's scientific, technological, economic, social, cultural and environmental development. It is a national challenge to be among the leading nations in the production of knowledge and innovation in the world. The objective of this study is to report and analyze the experience of the Centro de Referência em Desenvolvimento e Humanidades at Universidade do Estado da Bahia (CRDH/UNEB) with the internationalization of research and graduate studies through digital educational platforms and networks. The research methodology foresees the triangulation of sources based on participant observation, document analysis and literature review. The results point to the expansion of internationalization from digital and educational networks; carrying out hybrid research and innovation activities; and changes in teacher and student training.


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Author Biography

José Claudio Rocha, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Bahia, Brasil,

Post-Doctorate in Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) Center for Legal Sciences (CCJ), International Law Research Center Eirene, [2014-2015]; PhD in Education from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) [2001-2006]; Master in Education from UFBA [1998-2001]; Specialist in Public Administration from the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS) [1997]; Specialist in Management of Research and Graduate Projects by the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) [2014]; Specialist in Teaching Ethics, Development and Social Capital at the Institute of Advanced Studies for the Americas (INEAM) of the Organization of American States (OAS) [2005]; Specialist in Human Rights from the University of Brasília/Ágere Advocacy/Special Secretariat for Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic (SEDH/PR) [2006]. He is a researcher in the lines of Development and Humanities. Professor at the State University of Bahia (UNEB) and coordinator of the Reference Center for Development and Humanities (CRDH), recognized as a Research Center by CONSU/UNEB Resolution 1,247/2016. He is a CNPQ Industrial Technological Development (DTI) scholarship holder, level 1 (doctorate) and researcher at the State of Bahia Research Foundation (FAPESB). He works as a professor in undergraduate and postgraduate law courses, and advises master's and doctoral programs. He is leader of the research groups in Management, Education and Human Rights (GEDH) and CriaAtivos: creating a new world. He is an evaluator of the Anísio Teixeira Institute (INEP / MEC) linked to BASIS / EMEC since 2006. At the Research Center (CRDH / UNEB) he coordinates the following laboratories: Observatory of Human Rights Education (OBEDHUC); Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives (ITCP) CriaAtiva; Image, Memory and Documentation Laboratory (LIMDO); Audio and Sound Laboratory (LASO); Mobte Portal on the internet and social networks; Maker: creative and digital; CRDH/UNEB Research Memorial. Certified as a manager of social projects (Project Management for Development) by APMG International Accrediting Professional, he has experience in training and consulting third sector organizations and creative Economic Solidarity Enterprises (EES). Author of several books and scientific articles, he received several awards for his work on behalf of Brazilian society, such as the Thomé de Souza Medal awarded by the Salvador City Council [2018]; Title of Citizen of Camaçari [2017] and the National Award for Education in Human Rights OEI/MEC/SEDH/UNDIME. He has international experience in China, United States of America, Cuba, Panama, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia, Paraguay, Mexico, Portugal and Spain.


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How to Cite

Rocha, J. C. (2022). Internationalization of research, graduate studies and digital networks: an account of the experience of the reference center in development and humanities at the Universidade do Estado da Bahia: . EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 9(1), 1–17.