Evaluation activities in a distance course: requirements, demand of correction time and student adhesion, from the perspective of tutoring





Evaluation correction time, Evaluation time, Pedagogical resource


The study aimed to evaluate the level of demand and demand for correction time and adherence of students in the execution of different evaluative activities in a distance education degree, from the perspective of tutoring. This is a descriptive, quantitative research with 21 tutors through a questionnaire (15 questions). Among the activities that most demand and demand time are corrections of articles and reviews, 71.4% (n=15) each. The biggest adhesion of students is the elaboration of didactic models and with lesser adhesion, production of videos and forum. It was found that textual production and research activities demand and demand from the tutor, while the student's greatest adherence is the production of methodological resources, results that generate important reflections in the choice of pedagogical tools.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Wagner de Sousa Paula , Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), Ceará, Brasil, wagner.sousa@uece.br

Biologist and Nurse. Master in Clinical Care in Nursing and Health. Effective Teacher of the Public Teaching Network of the State of Ceará. Tutor and Trainer Professor of the Degree in Biological Sciences at the State University of Ceará (UECE/UAB).

Charles Ielpo Mourão , Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), Ceará, Brasil, charles.ielpo@uece.br

Bachelor and Licensed Biologist. MBA in business management. Master in Medical Sciences. Temporary Professor at the State University of Ceará. Tutor and Trainer Professor of the Licentiate Course in Biological Sciences at the State University of Ceará (UECE/UAB).

Lydia Dayanne Maia Pantoja, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), Ceará, Brasil, lydia.pantoja@uece.br

Biologist. Master in Medical Microbiology and PhD in Civil Engineering (concentration area in Environmental Sanitation). She works as a Professor at the State University of Ceará. Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching Biology in National Network - PROFBIO. Coordinates the Research of the Distance Biological Sciences Course - UECE/UAB.

Germana Costa Paixão, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), Ceará, Brasil, germana.paixao@uece.br

Veterinarian. Master in Pathology and PhD in Medical Microbiology. Professor at the State University of Ceará since 2000 and Coordinator of the Distance Biological Sciences Course UECE/Open University of Brazil (UAB) since 2009. Professor of the Nursing course at Centro Universitário Fametro/UNIFAMETRO.


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How to Cite

Paula , F. W. de S., Mourão , C. I., Pantoja, L. D. M., & Paixão, G. C. (2022). Evaluation activities in a distance course: requirements, demand of correction time and student adhesion, from the perspective of tutoring. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 9(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.53628/emrede.v9i1.817

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