Limitations of remote teaching: collective subject speech




Digital limitations, Covid-19, Remote emergencial teaching


Considering the adaptive response that educational environments needed to have, due to the demand generated by Covid-19, this study aims to understand the potential and challenges of remote work in light of the theoretical lens of digital limitations. Interviews were conducted with specialist professors in distance education who have already coordinated projects in this area in their institutions, analyzing their speeches using the technique of the Discourse of the Collective Subject (DSC). The DSC allowed us to realize that the access limitations pointed out by the teachers are in line with the absence of appropriate artifacts and/or difficulties in configuring them, in addition, ergometric issues such as appropriate furniture and environment were also pointed out and the impact of remote work in the routine and family experiences and challenges in aligning work demands, in addition to the lack of other educational agents such as adequate infrastructure and establishment of appropriate spaces for dialogue and the development of work activities.


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Author Biographies

Errol Fernando Zepka Pereira Junior, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Atualmente, Doutorando em Administração pela UFSC (em período sanduíche na Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Mar Del Plata). Enquanto formação acadêmica é Mestre em Administração; MBA em Gestão estratégica de Negócios; Aperfeiçoado em Tecnologias na Educação; e em Como ensinar a distância, Bacharel em Administração e Licenciado em História. Enquanto experiência profissional, trabalhou na Secretaria de Inovação do Rio Grande do Sul, UCPEL, IFSul, Receita Federal e Uniasselvi. Atualmente é Professor temporário na FURG. Sobre experiência em pesquisa, atua nas áreas de: administração, educação a distância, empreendedorismo, inovação, gestão estratégica e processos gerenciais.

Tanise Paula Novello, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil,

Graduated in Mathematics from the Federal University of Rio Grande (2001)
master's degree in Environmental Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande (2006) and a doctorate in
Environmental Education by the same Institution (2011). She is also a professor at FURG linked to the
Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics (IMEF) and member of the Department of Distance Education
(SEaD) working with the training of teachers and tutors.She is a teacher at the Graduate Program
degree in Science Education (PPGEC). Working mainly on the following topics:
teacher training, distance education and mathematics education.

Fabrine Diniz Pereira, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil,

Degree in Mathematics from the Federal University of Rio Grande, FURG, Master in Education
Mathematics from the Federal University of Pelotas, specialist in Information Technologies and
Communication in Education by FURG, and participant of the research group "Relação do mal
teaching being and the digital technologies of mathematics teachers" linked to the Institute
of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics - IMEF of the Federal University of Rio Grande, FURG.

Pedro Antônio de Melo, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Curitiba, Santa Catarina, Brasil,

Pedro Antônio de Melo has a PhD in Production and Systems Engineering and a Master's
in Administration from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He holds a degree in
Letters - Portuguese and Brazilian Literature - UFSC; Human Resources Specialist
from UFSC, and in University Management from CRUB - Council of Rectors of
Brazilian Universities in partnership with OUI - University Organization
Interamericana (2004), Canada. Post-doctorate in Higher Education, by the Instituto
International for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean? IESALC, from
Unesco. Doctor Honoris Causa, by the Honorable Academia Mundial de Educación -
HAME (2012). He is a professor at UFSC-Federal University of Santa Catarina, in
Department of Administration Sciences - CAD, where he teaches disciplines
related to Entrepreneurship. In Postgraduate Programs in
Administration - PPGAdm and University Administration - PPGAU, teaches disciplines
and develops research related to University Management. He was coordinator of
Professional Master in University Administration (2010 - 2016). He is Director of
Institute for Research and Studies in University Administration ? INPEAU. He was
Coordinator of the University Management and Leadership Institute - IGLU - Brazil Region,
of the Inter-American University Organization? OUI, Canada, from 2010 to 2019.
Editor of the Journal of University Management in Latin America - GUAL. Since 2018 he is the
Head of the Administration Sciences Department - CAD, at UFSC.

Nathalia Fehlberg Ribeiro Zepka, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil,

Student of the Bachelor's degree in Business Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) and the Bachelor's degree in Accounting at the Leonardo da Vinci University Center (Uniasselvi).


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How to Cite

Pereira Junior, E. F. Z., Novello, T. P., Pereira, F. D., Melo, P. A. de, & Zepka, N. F. R. (2021). Limitations of remote teaching: collective subject speech. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 8(2), 1–20.



Dossiê A educação em rede e a inovação responsáveis em tempos de pandemia