The knowledge in virtual networks with social media to promote open education: habitat of collective intelligences


  • Izabel Patricia Meister Universidade Federal De São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil,
  • Dr Associate Professor and Senior Researcher – Open University/UK, United Kingdom,



Social networks, Open schooling, Informal Learning, Collective intelligence, Responsible Research and Innovation


This exploratory study examines how knowledge is created in virtual networks with social media in the context of resilience and adversity, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study is to explore social network interactions to improve informal learning. Participants were members of the COLEARN community including educators, students, researchers and professionals from Brazil interested in Open Education enhanced by technologies for Responsible Research and Innovation. This community, started in 2008 on the OpenLearn Moodle platform, became an open education network in 2012 expanded with FaceBook. It is currently focused on the open schooling approach to promote partnerships between universities, schools and society on real socio-scientific issues with the multi-network platform of the CONNECT project in Brazil and Europe. Findings suggest that informal learning can be enriched with the possibility of establishing networks of investigation, knowledge and innovation based on the understanding of how knowledge is constructed in virtual social networks and by observing the movement of collective intelligences instituted in them.


Keywords: Social networks. Open schooling. Informal Learning. Collective intelligence. Responsible Research and Innovation.


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Author Biography

Dr, Associate Professor and Senior Researcher – Open University/UK, United Kingdom,

Dr. Alexandra Okada is an educational senior researcher at the Open University UK, a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Honorary Associate Professor at the Open University in Brazil and Portugal. She holds a BSc Computer Science (Hons); MA (Education: Curriculum); Postgraduate qualification in Further Education (PGCFE), MBA (Knowledge Management and Science Communication); PhD (Education:Technology enhanced learning).

Her expertise lies at intersections between Science Education, Technology Enhanced Learning and Teachers' Professional Development. Her work centres on co-creating scientifically new frameworks, methods and tools for constructing and extending socially knowledge-in-context. Her studies draw on sociocultural theory, critical pedagogy and mixed methods to explore how to prepare the next generation for Responsible Research and Innovation. “RRI”  aims to align scientific development with societal needs through the interaction of five sectors: 1. educational communities, 2. scientific institutions, 3. business and industry, 4. civil society organisations and 5. policy makers.


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How to Cite

Meister, I. P., & Okada , A. (2021). The knowledge in virtual networks with social media to promote open education: habitat of collective intelligences. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 8(2), 1–20.



Dossiê A educação em rede e a inovação responsáveis em tempos de pandemia