Popular education and technologies of friendship New configurations in times of pandemic.
Localized knowledge, Pandemic education, Friendship technologiesAbstract
The work problematizes the forms of pedagogical continuity developed in popular high schools in Argentina in response to the sanitary, political and educational restrictions, caused in 2020 as a consequence of COVID 19. The objective was focused on exploring and understanding the ways to guarantee the bond pedagogical in the course of the pandemic in popular high schools. The methodology is qualitative and is based on a conceptual cartographic approach that interweaves categories addressed in studies hosted at CLACSO (Latin American Council of Social Sciences) that refer to the health crisis, in popular education proposals. The transdisciplinary gaze combines contributions from the field of popular education, art theory and sociology, proposing intersections between concepts such as praxis, friendship technologies and localized knowledge. The findings reveal the collective and creative construction of resources and strategies to sustain the educational project in contexts of economic and digital inequality.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Patricia Virginia Benito, Jimena Isabel Petrona Aguirre, María Amor Ferrón
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