Project-based learning: organization and execution of a training proposal in distance education




Project-Based Learning, Distance Education, Instructional Design


In this paper we present the experience report of an organizational process, execution and implementation of a training proposal for higher distance education, which started from the use of Project-Based Learning (PBL) as a methodological and pedagogical strategy. The experience took place in the context of the discipline “Integrative Project” of the course Technology in Instructional Design at the Federal University of São Paulo, which aimed to direct and promote the practical application of contents, in an interdisciplinary manner, from the set of disciplines situated in the context of the instructional designer's work in formal education. The description of this experience is presented, as well as the results collected in the evaluation of this training proposal, by the students, reported as positive and significant, both by the students and by the other professors of the course, for providing the integration between theoretical, reflective and practical actions in the development of specific instructional designer professional skills.


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How to Cite

Gamez, L., & Malheiro, C. A. L. (2021). Project-based learning: organization and execution of a training proposal in distance education. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 8(2), 1–22.



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