RIEONLIFE: a network for development of onlife education





Education in the Pandemic; OnLIFE Education; Network, RIEoNLIFE


How to know what were the main problems found, what strategies were developed in different countries, cities and states, how they mobilized in times of the COVID-19 pandemic? How did students, parents, teachers, administrators and researchers understand this movement? What lessons and challenges did the pandemic bring to research in Education? From these problematizations, RIEOnLIFE emerges, in partnership with the UAb Portugal. This article aims to present the concept of OnLIFE Education, RIEOnLIFE and its movements, as well as discuss the network’s first movement, escutAÇÕES. From qualitative origen, it appropriates the concept of Living Labs, articulated with the cartographic method of intervention research, giving rise to three movements as research territory: the escutAÇÕES (listening action), the COnversAÇÕES (conversations action) and the COMpartilhAÇÕES (sharing's actions). Preliminary results indicate power to: connect the subjects involved; to understand the issues raised, strategies and movements; get to know challenges and learnings; to constitute a common space for the legitimization/construction of RIEOnLIFE as an OnLIFE Education network/platform.



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Author Biographies

Ana Maria Marques Palagi, Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Paraná (SEED/PR), Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil, marquespalagi@gmail.com

PhD from Unisinos (CAPES 7) area of concentration in Basic Education, line of Research - education technology and development. Master in Communication and Semiotics - PUC/SP (2001). Graduated in Pedagogy from the State University of Western Paraná (1986), graduated in Law from the Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences of Cascavel (2000), Specialization in Media in Education - UFPR, Specialization in Distance Education, by Senac/Curitiba/ PR, Specialization in Public Management by UEM, Specialization in School Supervision, Environmental Education, Youth and Adult Education, QPM Teacher - titular pedagogue - Secretary of the State of Paraná Education works in the Normal Course - Teacher Training and Tutor of the subsequent Technical Course of the ProEmployee. Pedagogical Coordinator of the Training Course for MEC Tutors/ e-Tec network. Course conclusion work advisor by IFPR. Acts as an expert in the implementation of EaD Courses, with NRE/Cascavel/SEED. With studies and activities focused on professional education, teacher training and online education. She has professional experience in the area of Basic Education (early, fundamental and secondary grades), higher education and lato sensu postgraduate studies, school management, Tutoring in the distance modality (SEED and UFPR). She is a member of the Digital Education Research Group (CNPq).

Eliane Schlemmer, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul., Brasil, elianeschlemmer@gmail.com

CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship – Level 1D. Post-Doctorate in Education by the Open University of Portugal. PhD in Informatics in Education and Master in Psychology from UFRGS. Bachelor in Informatics from UNISINOS. Professor-researcher of the PPG in Education and the PPG in Applied Linguistics at UNISINOS. Leader of the International Digital Education Research Group - GPe-dU UNISINOS/CNPq. Researcher-collaborator at the Site Studies Unit – ELO/UAb-PT and at the International Research Group Atopos/USP.


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How to Cite

Palagi, A. M. M., & Schlemmer, E. (2021). RIEONLIFE: a network for development of onlife education. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 8(2), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.53628/emrede.v8i2.792



Dossiê A educação em rede e a inovação responsáveis em tempos de pandemia