Compulsory Online Teaching: reflections on teaching in times of social isolation by the Covid-19 pandemic.




Education. Network. Responsible, Research and Innovation RRI.


The study was carried out based on the experiences of online teaching, especially the challenges of the remote teaching model, which was adopted summarily and compulsorily, in view of the legal measures of social isolation required by the pandemic. It brings as a problem: what are the personal and work implications perceived by teachers and students in the process of coping with the new living and working conditions during the pandemic, including reflections on the possibilities of changes that will come when its consequences are toned down? With the responsible research and innovation approach and participatory action research methodology, the authors immersed themselves in the object of study itself, positioning themselves as subjects, compelled to carry out the work remotely, using technological tools. The results show the advances that this experience provided us, the challenges, possibilities and paths, pointing to a return in the post-pandemic that allows us to innovate our practices with the learning of remote education.


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Author Biographies

Silvar Ferreira Ribeiro, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Salvador, Bahia, Brasil,

Postdoctoral fellow at the Open University - United Kingdom - Knowledge Media Institute (KMi-OU), (2016/2017) with support from CAPES (Process 7537/2015-08). PhD in Knowledge Dissemination (Ufba/Uneb/Uefs/Lncc/Ifba/Senai/Ufabc), Sandwich Doctoral Internship at the Open University - United Kingdom - Knowledge Media Institute (KMi-OU), (2013) with support from CAPES (Process : PDSE-3517/13-6 ), Master in Production Engineering in the Media and Knowledge Research Line, with emphasis on Distance Education (UFSC, 2002). Specialist in Psychopedagogy from UFRJ and in Higher Education Methodology from FEBA. Graduated in Pedagogy with Qualifications in Supervision and School Administration from the Catholic University of Salvador (1983), Technician in Administration. Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Sciences and Technologies (DCHT-UNEB), Campus XIX; Permanent Professor of the Multi-Institutional and Multidisciplinary Doctoral Program in Knowledge Dissemination (DMMDC-UNEB/UFBA/LNCC/UEFS/IFBA/SENAI); Coordinator of the Professional Development Laboratory - UNEB-DCHT-XIX Extension Project; Leader of the Research Group Management, Education, Science & Technologies for Social Inclusion; and Deputy Coordinator of

Leonardo Machado Nascimento, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Salvador, Bahia, Brasil,

Graduated in Accounting from Fundação Visconde de Cairú (1992), and Specialization in Management Accounting from the Federal University of Bahia - UFBª (1998), and Master's Degree from the University of Salamanca - USAL, Spain (2016), where he is currently studying for a Doctorate in Science Social. Professor of the permanent staff of the State University of Bahia (UNEB), assigned to the Department of Human Sciences and Technology - DCHT- Campus XIX - Camaçari-BA

Aliana Alves Souza, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Salvador, Bahia, Brasil,

Graduated in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Bahia (1987) and graduated in Law from the Federal University of Bahia (1991). Specialization in Administration and Master in Accounting interrupted. Professional Master's Degree from the Graduate Program in Management and Technologies Applied to Education - GESTEC. He is currently an assistant professor at the State University of Bahia.

Márcia Margarida Nunes da Silva Martins, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Salvador, Bahia, Brasil,

Lawyer, Human Rights Activist, Effective Assistant Professor at the State University of Bahia. Master in Public Safety, Justice and Citizenship from the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Bahia (2016) Bachelor of Law from the FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF ALAGOAS (1988), Specialist in Labor Law and Procedural Law from EMATRA V in partnership with the Faculty Jorge Amado ( 2003). Specialist in Policy and Strategy from the UNEB.

Sônia Maria da Conceição Pinto , Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Salvador, Bahia, Brasil,

Post-Doctorate from the Open University - UK (2017), PhD in Knowledge Dissemination - UFBA (2010) . Master in Education and Contemporaneity by UNEB (2003). Specialist in Education and New Communication and Information Technologies - UNEB (1999). Pedagogue, graduated from the Catholic University of Salvador (1997). Assistant Professor at the State University of Bahia ? Department of Human Sciences and Technologies.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, S. F., Nascimento, L. M., Souza, A. A., Martins, M. M. N. da S., & Pinto, S. M. da C. (2021). Compulsory Online Teaching: reflections on teaching in times of social isolation by the Covid-19 pandemic. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 8(2), 1–14.



Dossiê A educação em rede e a inovação responsáveis em tempos de pandemia