Youth as co-entrepreneurs and social digital innovators: based research - RRI




Digital Inovation, CoEntrepreneur, Student Protagonism


This article aims to investigate: What are the correlations between the principles and skills presented in Research and Responsible Innovation - RRI with the practices developed in the State of Ceará to support science with and for society. With the objective: to characterize the relationships between the developed competences, the activities presented in the Student Club project and the theoretical basis of the RRI and the Co-entrepreneurial. The methodological option is digital ethnography and thematic analysis of the categories: Matrix C,  Project Engaging (Okada, 2018), Coemtrepreneur (Souza, 2018), in which they were used to analyze the practices developed by 50 young people from a training course of Ceará. Qualitative study linking theory and practice, arguments produced in forums and projects produced by young people. The result is the use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies in a creative process, with the empowerment of young people, in line with the RRI approach.


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Author Biographies

Karine Pinheiro de Souza, Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Ceará (SEDUC-CEARÁ), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil,

Postdoc in Social, Political and Territorial Sciences - University of Aveiro, PhD in Educational Sciences, specialty in Educational Technology - University of Minho/Portugal. Master in Public Policies and Planning - UECE, School Management Specialization - UECE and Educational Informatics-UFRGS, degree in Letters from the State University of Ceará. She was a substitute professor at the Federal University of Ceará-UFC. She coordinated the Digital Agents Project (UFCVirtual), object of study in the doctorate, was a visiting researcher at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi)-Open University-United Kingdom. She was an advisor for the Teacher Training Cell at the Ceará State Education Secretariat-SEDUC-CE. She has teacher training experience in interdisciplinary projects. Works in the development of research on the following topics: digital inclusion, management of virtual environments, instructional design, ubiquitous scenarios Linked to the research groups: Educational Processes, B-learning and digital inclusion ( UEGRS) and Colearn ( KMI/Open University/UK) . With an award in the area of ICT, with the RiverWalk Brasil project, partnership with the University of Michigan, Public Notice Creative Economy in the category Training for creative skills - Ministry of Culture.

Alexandra Okada, OPEN UNIVERSITY (OU), United Kingdom,

Post doctorate from The Open University United Kingdom OU-UK (2008). She holds a Bachelor's degree in Computing Technology from Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (1988), specialization in Teacher Training Degree Ens Fund. High School from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (1997), Master's Degree in Education (Curriculum) from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2001) and Ph. She is currently a research professor at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi OU-UK) and coordinator of the international research community CoLearn OU-UK, visiting professor of the online MBA course at Fundação Getúlio Vargas-RJ. She has experience in the area of Computer Science and Education with an emphasis on Communication and Information Technologies, working mainly on the following topics: Cognitive Cartography, Virtual Learning Environments and Networked Knowledge.


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How to Cite

Souza, K. P. de, & Okada, A. (2022). Youth as co-entrepreneurs and social digital innovators: based research - RRI. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 8(2), 1–14.



Dossiê A educação em rede e a inovação responsáveis em tempos de pandemia