Pandemia, emergency remote classes and teacher's anguish




Remote classes, Distance learning, Coronavirus


The Covid-19 pandemic brought about social rearrangements around the world. In Brazil, this fact was no different, which caused changes in several paradigms and organizational structures. One of them refers to education and how teachers and students adapted to the new model imposed so that classes could be maintained. Therefore, this study focuses on promoting a critical reflection on educational perspectives that intersect with the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil with regard to education. In this way, we seek to problematize issues about the teaching performance in dialogue with the social and cultural aspects that culminated in dissonant ways of thinking and seeing education in the country. The work brings reflections on “staying at home” and its consequences, as well as seeking to produce a new look at ways of understanding remote education and educational practices.


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Author Biographies

Lorena Bernardes Barcelos, Centro Universitário de Goiás (UNIGOIÁS), Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil,

Assistant Professor at the University Center of Goiás – UniGOIAS. PhD student in Education (UFG); Master in Letters and Linguistics (UFG); Specialist in Educational Guidance (Uninter); Specialist in Teaching Methodology in Higher Education (Uninter); Specialist in Psychopedagogy (ICG); Specialist in Inclusive Education from the AEE Perspective (ICG); Degree in Languages – Portuguese (UFG); Degree in Pedagogy (Uninter).

Renato Dering, Centro Universitário de Goiás (UNIGOIÁS), Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil,

Adjunct Professor at the University Center of Goiás – UNIGOIÁS. Postdoctoral fellow in Language Studies at Posling – CEFET-MG. Doctor in Letters and Linguistics from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Master in Letters from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) and Degree in Letters – Portuguese Language from UFG. Coordinator of the Scientific Initiation Project (PIC) “Decolonial studies of language, education and law: literacies and intercultural practices” and Leader-researcher of the FORPROLL/CNPq/UFVJM group. Lattes: Email: Orcid: 0000-0002-0776-3436.



How to Cite

Marinho, D. M. de B., Barcelos, L. B., Silva, M. I., & Dering, R. de O. (2021). Pandemia, emergency remote classes and teacher’s anguish. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 8(2), 1–13.



Dossiê A educação em rede e a inovação responsáveis em tempos de pandemia