The impact of the institutionalization of distance education on the implementation of emergency remote teaching: the case of the Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul during the COVID-19 pandemic
distance education, digital technologies, emergency remote teaching.Abstract
This paper discusses the influence of the institutionalization of Distance Learning (DL) on the implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) in higher education institutions during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil in 2020. The aim is to understand the impact of the institutional experience in DL on the process of implementation of ERT. The Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)´s case, taken as an example in this work, suggests that the previous development of digital technologies aimed at DL by the institution, as well as the existence of an organizational structure for the academic management of DL, were fundamental for the implementation process of ERT.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Paulete Fridman Schwetz, DINARA DAL PAI, Jocelise Jacques de Jacques , Anelise Todeschini Hoffmann

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