I prefer school: perceptions of students and relatives about the remote education





School. Family. Remote teaching. Education. Sociability


The text expresses the evaluation of students and family members of a class of 5th year of elementary school on remote teaching held in 2020. The data was generated in a remote meeting between family and school and presents the participants' perceptions about the “pandemic” year, the remote classes and  learning. The results highlighted the importance of the school as an instance of socialization and multiple learnings and highlights the need to expand the relationship between family and school during and after the pandemic.


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Author Biography

Robson Lima de Arruda, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brasil, robsonlima13@hotmail.com

Graduated in Pedagogy from the State University of Paraíba (2009), Master in Teacher Training from the State University of Paraíba, Master in Applied Psychoanalysis to Health and Education from UNIDERC/ABEPE (2015), Specialist in Applied Psychoanalysis to Education and Health – ANCHIETA (2014) and Specialist in Basic Education at the University Center of João Pessoa – UNIPÊ (2011). Member of the Research Groups Communication, Culture and Development and Communication (DECOM/UEPB) and Technologies, Cultures and Languages (TECLIN/UEPB) (Has experience teaching basic education since 2001 as a teacher of Youth and Adult Education, Elementary School, High School and Normal High School. He has worked in teacher training in programs such as Profoco, Pró-Litramento, Projeto Trilhas, Brasil Alfabetizado, Paulo Freire Program and Pnaic. He is currently a teacher in the Early Years of Elementary School in the municipal school network and Educational Analyst in the State network, both in Vertente do Lério - PE Interested in studies on didactics and pedagogical practices, project pedagogy, culture and diversity, with a focus on permanent teacher training.


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How to Cite

Arruda, R. L. de. (2021). I prefer school: perceptions of students and relatives about the remote education. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.53628/emrede.v8i1.737