Remote teaching and the Covid-19 pandemic: experiences and lessons learned
Collaborative Practices, Online Teacher, Interactive Digital TechnologiesAbstract
This article aims to analyze the aspects that were formed from the need to adapt face-to-face activities to remote activities at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) during the social distance caused by COVID-19. The strategy used by UFAM focused on providing temporary access to teaching-learning methods in a quick way. The researchers analyzed the perception of students enrolled in three subjects, components of the curriculum of the Administration course. All were offered through Google Classroom, with synchronous classes mediated by Google Meet, whose planning ranged around 40% to 50% of the matrix workload. In addition, WhatsApp groups were adopted to achieve faster and more efficient communication. It was possible to identify an environment of cooperation among the students; many positive reports regarding the teachers and expectations met. In addition, a high approval rating was also observed. It is noteworthy that there are problems and difficulties to be resolved in relation to the use of technologies in the educational process, but it is undeniable that such technologies have contribute to more collaborative practices and more horizontal relationships between teachers and students in Higher Education.
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