Educational narratives in times of COVID-19




Teacher narratives, COVID-19 and education.


Without a doubt, the health emergency generated by COVID-19 caused real events of global impact in the social, political, economic, cultural and, of course, educational spheres. In Colombia, as in other countries in the world, one of the first measures implemented has been the closure of public and private educational institutions, the above, channels one of the greatest challenges for the already weakened educational system, ensuring the provision of educational service during the health emergency derived from the pandemic. Hence, the present work aimed to recover the experiences, the teaching strategies and the actions taken to ensure the provision of the educational service, as well as the challenges and impacts that the school faces today. A "basic qualitative study design" with a descriptive perspective per case study was used. It is a report of experience lived by 4 with experience and differentiated training. The educational inequalities that the educational system has endured for decades were made transparent with the arrival of COVID-19, thus inequity today becomes a factor that restricts and violates the right to education, which in turn is a guarantor of access to other rights such as economic, cultural and social.


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Author Biography

Maria Camila Castillo Cabezas, Universidad del Valle, Calí, Colômbia,

Master of Education with emphasis in Natural Sciences. Valley University. Year of completion: 2018 Production: Incidence of the implementation of the LO "how genetic information is expressed" in the learning of 9th grade students: The case of a secondary school teacher. Bachelor's Degree in Basic Education with Emphasis in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education. Valley University. Year of completion: 2016. Production: Proposal for the Teaching-Learning-Assessment of Biological Inheritance from a Constructivist approach.

Professor Institute of Education and Pedagogy, Universidad Del Valle.


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How to Cite

Cabezas, M. C. C. (2021). Educational narratives in times of COVID-19. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 8(1).