Virtual pedagogical support room: an experience during emergential remote teaching activities




Interaction., Remote Teaching, Pedagogical support


We present in this text the virtual pedagogical experiences carried out to maintain the pedagogical support to undergraduate students during emergency remote teaching activities, which occurred during the period of social isolation imposed by the pandemic context. The methodology used is the experience report. The results show that virtual support practices have positive impacts when the resources used meet the needs of students and are consistent with the new reality. In this way, we reflect and encourage discussions about the use of digital technologies and virtual environments for interaction in the expansion and consolidation of pedagogical support in higher education.


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Author Biographies

Ana Cristina do Amaral Lovato, Universidade Federal do Pampa (unipampa), Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil,

Master in Education by the Graduate Program in Education at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC/2017 (CAPES Scholarship holder). Specialist in School Management from the University of Northern Paraná - UNOPAR/2006 and Graduated in Literature-Spanish from the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM/2005. She is currently a technician in educational matters at the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA) and a teacher trainer in the Portuguese Letters course UAB / UNIPAMPA. Researcher and deputy leader in the research group COEDUCAR: Learning in action, teaching methodologies and teacher training. Line of research: Training of teachers in conversation networks - UNIPAMPA . She is interested in the following subject areas: language, learning, educational technologies, teacher training and distance learning.

Patrícia Forgiarini Firpo, Universidade Federal do Pampa (unipampa), Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil,

Master in Language Teaching from the Federal University of Pampa - Unipampa (2019). Specialist in Public Management (UAB/UFSM) (2014). She holds a degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Santa Maria, distance mode (UAB / UFSM) (2013) and a degree, with University Laurea, in Letters from the University of the Region of Campaign (2008). She is currently a Pedagogue at UNIPAMPA Campus Dom Pedrito and teacher trainer of the Pedagogy course Unipampa / UA


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How to Cite

Lovato, A. C. do A., & Firpo, P. F. (2021). Virtual pedagogical support room: an experience during emergential remote teaching activities: . EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 8(1).