The supervised curricular internship in pandemic times: experience in a biological science course




Remote Internship, Biological Science Teacher Education, Digital Information and Communication Technology


The objective of this article is to contribute to Biological Sciences teacher education based on the innovative experiences lived during the Remote Supervised Curricular Internship in 2020. Therefore, education had to adapt and new topics were addressed about Remote Education, as an alternative to continue studies and remedy the drastic situation experienced by the world population. In this context, schools and universities have suffered from radical changes with regard to the teaching and learning process, including the intensive use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies. As a result, the experience reports of some of the trainees are presented and, based on the experience reported, a table with guidelines for the development of the internship in the time of Emergency Remote Teaching is presented.



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Author Biographies

Dafne Fonseca Alarcon, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil,

Collaborating Professor at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC) at the Distance Education Center (CEAD) in the Pedagogy Degree Course. Educational Designer and Tutorial System. PhD in Engineering and Knowledge Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (EGC-UFSC) with research in the areas of media, innovation and education. Master in Design and Graphic Expression (CCE-UFSC) with research in Graphic Design and Interativity. Specialization in Methodologies for Distance Education (UNISUL VIRTUAL) with research in Virtual Learning Environments and Educational Design. Graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Artistic Education and Pedagogy (in progress) with research in the areas of production of didactic material for EaD and Ludic Education at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC).

André Ary Leonel, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil,

Graduated in Physics, with a master's degree and a PhD in Scientific and Technological Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and adjunct professor in the Department of Teaching Methodology of the same institution. Research Professor in the Graduate Program in Mathematics Education and Physics Teaching at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) and in the Graduate Program in Scientific and Technological Education at UFSC. He participates in the COMUNIC research group and in the Conexão Escola Mundo da UFSC project. I have experience in the area of Physics Teaching, with an emphasis on Physics Teaching and teacher training, working mainly on the following topics: digital information and communication technologies, scientific and technical literacy and modern and contemporary physics teaching in Basic Education. He is the coordinator of the New Technology Laboratory Training Nucleus (LANTEC) of UFSC.

José André Angotti , Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil,

Graduated in Physics/Licenciatura (1972), master's degree (1981) and PhD in Sciences/Physics - Institute of Physics-IFUSP and Faculdade de Educação - FEUSP of the University of São Paulo (1991). Professor of Methodology and Practice of Physics Teaching and of the PG Program in Scientific and Technological Education, Master's and PhD courses - Federal University of Santa Catarina, settled since March 2016. I have experience in the area of Education, with an emphasis on Scientific and Technological Education, working mainly on the following topics: teacher training at graduation and post-graduation: initial and continuous, face-to-face and AD; dialogical education; epistemology, interdisciplinarity, teaching physics/sciences with TDIC. Coordinator of the Post-Graduation Program in Education at UFSC - 1992 to 1996; Coordinator of the Post-Graduation Program in Scientific and Technological Education of UFSC - 2005 to 2007. General Coordinator of Curricular Contents of the Directorate of Basic Education of CAPES in 2008. Director of the Department of Education of the Pró-Reitoria de Ensino de Graduação of UFSC - 05/2009 to 05/2012. Institutional Coordinator of the UFSC/CAPES Projects - DEB and DED-UAB: Use of ICT in Graduation courses - 2010 to 2012; Prodocencia - 2010 to 2012 and PIBID- 2011 to 2014. Post-Doutorate in Scientific and Technological Education - Physics Teaching, Teacher Training and TDIC together with the CRECIM group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona - UAB, Barcelona - Spain, October/2014 to March /2015.


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How to Cite

Alarcon, D. F., Leonel, A. A., & Angotti, J. A. (2021). The supervised curricular internship in pandemic times: experience in a biological science course. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 8(1).