Distance Education in a military context: instructional design as an auxiliary tool in the modeling process of a discipline
Instructional design, courseware, ADDIEAbstract
The present work reports the experience of the researcher in her professional field, in which she presented an Instructional Design (ID) proposal for the discipline “Production of Didactic Material for Distance Learning” for the Preparatory Course for Tutors (CPT) and had as its locus the Group of Tactical and Specialized Instruction (GITE), Teaching Organization of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). This is a qualitative, applied and exploratory research, which was presented as a Course Completion Work and consolidated knowledge built during the Specialization in Educational Technologies and Distance Education, in particular the knowledge related to ID, which was used for the design and development of the proposal. For the development of DI, the ADDIE DI model was used, which refers to the acronym in English for the cycle Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evalute. It was chosen because it understands that it is efficient for work in the military context.
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