Distance learning and university extension: transforming lives in the “Brasil 500 anos” condominium in Tarumã/SP


  • Luciene Cristina da Silva Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo (Univesp), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil, lu.engenharia.sp@gmail.com https://orcid.org/0009-0003-2734-0902
  • Mariza Lucia dos Santos Rotta Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo (Univesp), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil, marizarotta26@gmail.com




extension, transformation, integration


In order to expand and consolidate the knowledge acquired, during the course of Production Engineering in the Distance Learning modality, as well as promoting integration with society and optimization of public spaces, in 2015 a project was developed university extension of the revitalization of a condominium for the needy elderly, based on the difficulties experienced there. Returning to the site this year of 2020, significant improvements were found, resulting from guidelines contained in the project carried out. The objective of this work is to present the relevance of academic actions integrated to the collective development, experienced in e-learning and implemented in society through university extension.


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Author Biographies

Luciene Cristina da Silva, Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo (Univesp), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil, lu.engenharia.sp@gmail.com

Graduated in Mathematics (UNESP), graduated in Production Engineering (UNIVESP), post-graduated in Work Safety Engineering (UTFPR).

Mariza Lucia dos Santos Rotta, Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo (Univesp), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil, marizarotta26@gmail.com

Graduation in Cartographic Engineering (UNESP), Graduation in EAD Chemical Production Technology (UFSCar). Professional performance at the Paula Souza Center and at the Virtual University of the State of SP. Specialization in the Special Program for Pedagogical Training of Teachers for Professional Education at the Medium Level by the Paula Souza State Center for Technological Education (2016) and Improvement in Teaching in Distance Education - Problem- and Project-Based Learning by UNIVESP (2015/2016) Engenheira Cartographer (UNESP) and Chemical Production Technologist at EAD (UFSCar). Professor settled in the Professional Technical Teacher (Paula Souza Center/ ETEC Presidente Prudente) and Virtual and Face-to-Face Mediator in the Production Engineering Course at the Poles of Tarumã and Presidente Prudente.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. C. da, & Rotta, M. L. dos S. (2020). Distance learning and university extension: transforming lives in the “Brasil 500 anos” condominium in Tarumã/SP. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 7(2), 145–155. https://doi.org/10.53628/emrede.v7i2.585



Dossiê Extensão na Educação a Distância