An educational design model for mixed environments and distance learning




educational design. EaD. Blended-Learning. Instructional Design. Teacher Training.


This article focuses on the importance of pedagogical innovation in the design of learning choreographies in mixed and distance environments. We present a pedagogical model developed with the objective of helping the teacher in the design of learning activities in mixed environments and in EaD. The 4As model: Presentation, Openness, Deepening and Appropriation, seeks to help the teacher to design student-centered online activities while also seeking to help reflect on the face-to-face component and on the different types of learning. We also seek to reflect on the role of pedagogical teacher training, namely the importance that models such as TPACK have in helping to understand the synergies, in training scenarios, that exist between technology, pedagogy, context and content. The article ends with a reflection on the pedagogical training of teachers.


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Author Biography

Diogo Casanova, ExPERT Academy, University of West London

Undergraduate (5 years) (Institute of Information Sciences and Administration), MSc (University of Aveiro), PhD (University of Aveiro), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)


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How to Cite

Casanova, D., & Pessoa, M. T. (2020). An educational design model for mixed environments and distance learning. EmRede - Distance Education Journal, 7(1), 4–20.