Dossier Policies and educational technologies: democratization of knowledge and social justice in open and distance education


The dossier proposes, in a theoretical and practical movement, to expand and strengthen
debates and conceptual propositions about the dialogical relationships between public
educational policies, democratization of knowledge and social justice. Its purpose is to
bring together articles that analyze macro and micro policies, on a national and
international level, whose discourses emanate the social voice of the right to education
as a principle of equity as a human condition for the production of existence in the
world. It presupposes analysis of repercussions, meanings and effects of policies, in the
contexts of practices, based on creative processes of recontextualization, in different
educational environments mediated by network technologies, contemplating the
diversity of models and remote formats as well distance, online, hybrid and/or open
education. In the cyclical and circular movements of policies, permeating production,
practices and results, there are clashes, dissensions, conflicts, disputes and agreements
that sometimes minimize and sometimes enhance ruptures in favor of the
democratization of knowledge and social justice. Depending on the evaluative positions
of the voices in confrontation, they also perpetuate exclusionary practices. In view of
this, the dossier aims to include critical analyzes of official documents, as well as

practical movements for the democratization of knowledge - covering access, retention
and successful completion of studies, as milestones denoting social justice.

Call for papers: April 1th - August 30th, 2024


Organizers: Prof. Elena Maria Mallmann - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria 

Prof. Juliana Sales Jacques - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria