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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • We ask the authors not to inform the their names, affiliation or indication of their institution in the submitted manuscript to ensure confidentiality in the peer review.
  • Submissions that do not comply with the established rules will be returned to the authors.
  • Respect the standard format proposed for the Journal. Articles that do not follow the model will not be forwarded for ad hoc evaluation.
  • The article must not have been previously published in another journal nor submitted for evaluation in another journal.
  • All authors must be informed in the submission. The inclusion of authors will not be allowed during or after the evaluation process.
  • The work has at least one PHD as author of the article.

Author Guidelines

Procedures for submitting manuscripts:

When submitting your manuscript, the author(s) are(s) automatically:

  • authorizing the editorial process of the manuscript;
  • ensuring that all required ethical procedures have been met;
  • establishing that the copyright of the manuscript belongs to the author, but it will be distributed openly and free of charge (Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0);
  • admitting that there was a careful revision of the text with regard to the original languege of the manuscript and typing;
  • following the general guidelines on: title, and subtitle (if any) in Portuguese, English and Spanish; summary in the language of the text, in English and Spanish, with the same characteristics; keywords inserted just below the abstract, in addition to keywords for the abstract and palabras clave; presentation of the descriptive elements of the references used in the text, which allow their individual identification; observation of publication standards to ensure quality and make the editorial process more agile
  • When submitting the manuscript, all authors must be registered on the Revista EmRede portal, filling in name, address, e-mail, institution, ORCID and brief biography. Submissions with incomplete author data will be informed and will only be forwarded for evaluation after complying with this guideline.
  • Later inclusion of authors other than those informed in the submission will not be accepted.
  • Manuscripts must be typed in the article model - [download the model here], with a maximum of 20 pages (disregarding the pages of summary, summary, abstract and references);
  • Manuscripts must be submitted in .doc, .docx or .odt format, allowing editing.
  • The presentation of the originals must follow the updated rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).
  • Maximum number of authors allowed per article: 5 authors.
  • It is mandatory to send the supplementary document with the data and signatures of all authors at the time of submission.


Professionals and researchers in the field of Education, Distance Education and Education supported by Technologies and Digital Technologies.



In order to guarantee the standard of excellence in the quality of EmRede - Journal of Distance Education, the articles are initially evaluated by the Editorial Board (desk review) regarding their suitability to the focus and editorial scope of the Journal and their contribution to discussion and research on pedagogical and technological development in the context of Distance Education and Education supported by Digital Technologies and Technologies.


Articles approved in the desk review are sent for evaluation by at least two reviewers who are members of the Ad Hoc Scientific Committee of Reviewers, using the double blind review system. If there is too much inequality between the assessments, a third assessment is requested, also in blind review. If at least two examiners approve it for publication, with requirements for revision and improvements, the work returns to the authors for due action. Once the changes have been made, the work is forwarded to the editors to verify compliance with the requests.


The editors will communicate by email the final decision on the evaluation process, which may be "accept the submission", "request modifications", "request resubmission" and "reject", due to identified shortcomings and/or non-compliance with the scope of the Magazine. Texts not accepted for publication in EmRede - Distance Education Journal, filed by the system, are released for submission in other journals.


The Editorial Board reserves the right to send invitations to specialists with clear academic competence in the area for possible publications of their intellectual productions in EmRede - Revista de Educação a Distance. In this case, the texts undergo formal procedures, ABNT standards, spelling, grammar and foreign language, carried out by specialized reviewers. In these cases, the work is published with the explanation of "guest article". In addition, EmRede - Journal of Distance Education publishes Essays approved by the Editorial Board (desk review).


The publication of works, with the exception of Essays, is subject to approval by at least two reviewers and, if applicable, compliance with their recommendations. The originality of the theme, the consistency and rigor of the approach, its contribution to the area and the thematic line of the Journal are considered. The names of the reviewers will remain confidential, with the names of the authors also being omitted from them, as recommended by the double blind review method.

For the approval of the articles, the evaluators must consider: the quality of the text (grammar; style, format and fluidity of the language; vocabulary; clarity of ideas; adequate deductions to the premises; appropriate use of citations); content relevance; proper application of citation rules and the elaboration of references (obeying one of the styles accepted by the Journal: ABNT); compatibility between title, theme, objectives, theoretical foundation, methodology, results and conclusions; pertinent choice of methodological procedures and their correct application; prominence of the findings, clearly presented in the text and in the final considerations; and scientific advancement for the thematic area.

The average time between submission and the first response is 60 days.


Annual continuous flow


The EmRede Distance Education Journal is committed to ensuring the ethics and quality of published articles. All parties involved in the publication – editors, reviewers and authors – are expected to behave ethically in accordance with the values ​​of the scientific field. EmRede - Journal of Distance Education's Editorial Code of Conduct is based on recommendations from Elsevier and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics - Publication Ethics Committee).


Editors' duties:


Publication decision: the Journal's chief, associate and manager editors are responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to should be published. The editors are guided by the policies of the Editorial Board of the Journal and in strict compliance with the legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. Editors may consult the Editorial Board or collaborators when making decisions.

Fair Rules: Editors must evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality or the authors' political philosophy.

Confidentiality: Editors and any member of the editorial team must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the author, reviewers, potential contributors, other editorial advisors, as the case may be.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Editors must not use unpublished information in their own research without the express written consent of the author. Editors must refrain from evaluating manuscripts in which they have any conflict of interest resulting from competitive or collaborative relationships or any other type of relationship or connections with any of the authors, companies or (possibly) institutions that are linked / connected to the articles .

Participation and cooperation in investigations: Editors must take reasonable response measures when ethical complaints have been filed in relation to a submitted manuscript or published article.

We are committed to ensuring that earning advertising, reprint or other commercial revenue does not have any impact or influence on editorial decisions. Our articles are reviewed to ensure the quality of scientific publications.

Evaluators' duties:


Contribution to the editorial decision: Peer review helps editors in making editorial decisions and, through editorial communications with the author, can also help improve the manuscript.

Timeliness: Any selected reviewer who does not feel qualified to evaluate the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its immediate review will be impossible should notify the editors and refrain from the review process.

Confidentiality: All manuscripts received for evaluation must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown or discussed with other researchers.

Objectivity Standards: Reviews must be conducted objectively and reviewers must express their opinions clearly with supporting arguments.

Source Acknowledgment: Reviewers should identify relevant published works that have not been cited by the authors. The reviewer should also bring to the managing editor's attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript in question and any other published document of which they are personally aware.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Inside information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have any conflict of interest resulting from competitive or collaborative relationships or any other type of relationship or connections with any of the authors, companies or (possibly) institutions that are linked / connected to the articles.

Authors' duties:


Reporting Standards: Authors of original research reports must provide an accurate account of the work performed, as well as an objective analysis of its significance. Underlying data must be accurately presented in the article. A document should contain enough detail and references to allow others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or intentionally inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

Originality and plagiarism: Authors must ensure that their works are completely original, and if authors have used the work and/or words of other authors, these must have been properly cited. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Multiple, redundant, or competing publications: An author should not, in general, publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously and/or publishing the same article in different journals constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Acknowledgment of sources: Proper acknowledgment of the work of others should always be done. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work. Information obtained privately, such as in conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, must not be used or reported without explicit, written permission from the source. Information obtained in the course of confidential services, such as arbitration manuscripts or grant applications, must not be used without the explicit written authorization of the author of the work involved in these services.

Article Authorship: Authorship should be limited to those who made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Others who participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project must also be acknowledged or listed as contributors. The author must ensure that all suitable and no inappropriate co-authors are included in the article, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the document and agreed to submit it for publication.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: All authors must disclose in their manuscripts any financial or substantive/material conflicts of interest that could lead to influencing results or interpretations in their manuscripts. All sources of financial support for the project must be disclosed.

Fundamental Errors in Published Works: When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her own published work, it is the author's obligation to immediately notify the journal's managing editor and cooperate with the managing editor to retract or correct the article.

Fee Policy

This journal does not charge fees from authors for publication, nor from readers to access the journal's content.

Plagiarism Tracking Policy

EmRede Magazine uses software to detect plagiarism, aiming to identify evidence of irregular authorship practices in the submitted articles. For that, the Plagius was adopted.

Qualis (2017/2020): A4

All articles that present similarity analysis results that attest to verifiable plagiarism data are refused to continue with the editorial process, and therefore, returned to the authors. In the similarity analysis, articles with a high level of self-plagiarism and materials that have been published elsewhere are also rejected.


Dossiê Políticas e tecnologias educacionais: democratização do conhecimento e justiça social na educação aberta e a distância

The dossier proposes, in a theoretical and practical movement, to expand and strengthen
debates and conceptual propositions about the dialogical relationships between public
educational policies, democratization of knowledge and social justice. Its purpose is to
bring together articles that analyze macro and micro policies, on a national and
international level, whose discourses emanate the social voice of the right to education
as a principle of equity as a human condition for the production of existence in the
world. It presupposes analysis of repercussions, meanings and effects of policies, in the
contexts of practices, based on creative processes of recontextualization, in different
educational environments mediated by network technologies, contemplating the
diversity of models and remote formats as well distance, online, hybrid and/or open
education. In the cyclical and circular movements of policies, permeating production,
practices and results, there are clashes, dissensions, conflicts, disputes and agreements
that sometimes minimize and sometimes enhance ruptures in favor of the
democratization of knowledge and social justice. Depending on the evaluative positions

of the voices in confrontation, they also perpetuate exclusionary practices. In view of
this, the dossier aims to include critical analyzes of official documents, as well as
practical movements for the democratization of knowledge - covering access, retention
and successful completion of studies, as milestones denoting social justice.

Internationalization in Educational Contexts: technologies, personalization and accessibility

The theme of internationalization in development in recent years has brought new formats based
on education trends resulting from online and hybrid systems. Recently the theme is expanding
due to the use and improvement of digital education on a large scale, where internationalization
can be seen from the diversity of interactions and cultures, collaboration strategies between
peers, project development, interactions between countries and contexts and the convergence of
these experiences into qualitative pedagogical practices for students. The concept of
internationalization has evolved and there are different definitions, the International Association
Universites (IAU) adopts the following concept: “Internationalization of Higher Education is the

intentional process of integrating an international, intercultural or global dimension into the
purpose, functions and delivery, in order to improve the quality of education and research for all
students and staff, and to make a significant contribution to society.” De Wit, et al. (2015). The
definition of pedagogical internationalization Barros(2023) can be understood from three
aspects: the institutional, which is directly related to the interests and improvements of the
institution, the qualities of its processes and evaluations to which they are directly submitted at a
higher or ministerial level of each country; the professional aspect is related to the development
of expertise in areas of scientific research, the exchange of knowledge and perceptions on topics
of interest together with university teaching practice; and, finally, the personal aspect linked to
the elements of experiential learning that involve intercultural relationships and their
surroundings. Thinking about internationalization processes beyond protocols, projects, specific
research initiatives, institutional mobility partnerships and scholarships means deepening and
transposing the effects of these processes into classroom teaching. This is the challenge we
propose. Thinking about strategies, mechanisms and pedagogical support is one of the objectives
for this thematic dossier.

Quality and institutionalization of hybrid and distance education

The proposal of the dossier is to bring together different views, experiences and
conceptions on the topic of institutionalization of hybrid education and distance
education, focusing on analyzing the panorama of this process in different contexts and
areas of knowledge. This proposal was organized to present six completed or ongoing
research articles that develop themes or present experiences regarding distance learning
or hybrid education, in order to enable a substantiated analysis, relating the themes to
the institutionalization process. In this way, the articles submitted will reflect on how
this institutionalization is configured as a strategy in the construction of critical and
reflective projects of technology-mediated education and in the structuring of a public,
free and quality EaD. It is expected, then, that the set of texts will contribute to
conceptually and theoretically outlining the impacts of institutionalization for the
development of distance and hybrid projects based on a socially referenced quality.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses on this site will be used exclusively for the purposes of the Journal and will not be made available for other purposes.