About the Journal

EmRede - Distance Education Journal, ISSN 2359-6082 (online), created in 2014, is a publication maintained by the Association Universities in Network (UniRede) in partnership with researchers and Universities in the country and abroad. The Magazine's mission is to promote research and pedagogical, social and technological development in the context of distance education and Education supported by digital technologies. The purpose of EmRede Journal is to disseminate the scientific production of national and international research groups linked to distance education, innovation, and Education supported by Technologies and Digital Technologies.

Until 2022, the Journal was biannual and, from 2023, it adopts the System of Continuous Publication (rolling pass) and publishes all the papers in english and portuguese.

EmRede Journal is maintained and financed by Unirede - it does not charge fees from authors for publication, nor from readers to have access to the Journal's content (it adopts a free access policy).



Current Issue

Vol. 11 (2024): EmRede Journal
					View Vol. 11 (2024): EmRede Journal
Published: 2024-02-08


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